A very big welcome to you all and may I take the opportunity of wishing a peaceful, prosperous and a healthy new year.
I guess on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of what is bad for you, white bride might score around 5, depending of course which white bread you eat. Needles to say, the more economical pre cut and packed breads are going to be be the worst, Brown bread included!
I’m looking at the ingredients of Nimble white Bread, all seems ok until you come to Ascorbic Acid. It seems hardly likely that taking high doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can cause thickening or hardening of the arteries since so many people have taken high doses for a long time and indeed Vitamin c treatment is used in clinics to cure Cancer.
Researchers from the University of California reported just that on March 2, 2000. People who took 500 mgs of ascorbic acid had a 2.5 times faster progression of thickening of the carotid artery (hardening of the arteries) than people who took no supplement.although tghis product contains E472e, a stabilzer, has no reported side effects, however you are eating something that has altered the natural condition of the bread which in turn gives it an un natural shelf life.
I guess on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of what is bad for you, white bride might score around 5, depending of course which white bread you eat. Needles to say, the more economical pre cut and packed breads are going to be be the worst, Brown bread included!
I’m looking at the ingredients of Nimble white Bread, all seems ok until you come to Ascorbic Acid. It seems hardly likely that taking high doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can cause thickening or hardening of the arteries since so many people have taken high doses for a long time and indeed Vitamin c treatment is used in clinics to cure Cancer.
Researchers from the University of California reported just that on March 2, 2000. People who took 500 mgs of ascorbic acid had a 2.5 times faster progression of thickening of the carotid artery (hardening of the arteries) than people who took no supplement.although tghis product contains E472e, a stabilzer, has no reported side effects, however you are eating something that has altered the natural condition of the bread which in turn gives it an un natural shelf life.
Don't be fooled by the word "wheat" (as labelled on this product) when it comes to flour. All flour derived from wheat can be called "wheat flour," even if it is processed, bleached and stripped of its nutrition. Only "whole grain wheat flour" is a healthful form of wheat flour. Many consumers mistakenly believe that "wheat flour"products are whole grain products. In fact, this is not true. Food manufacturers fool consumers with this trick.
This product also has salt included, again innocent enough, however the question is, is this sea or rock salt, or regular“table salt” If they are using table salt, then it is not salt at all it is Sodium Nitrite, A chemical and a known carceogenic, incidently, natural salt has 84 essential minerals that our body actually needs, table salt has only two, what's left is dangerous junk!
And of course white bread is bleached, Studies show that alloxan, the chemical that makes white flour look "clean" and "beautiful," destroys the beta cells of the pancreas. That's right; you may be devastating your pancreas and putting yourself at risk for diabetes, all for the sake of eating "beautiful" flour. Is it worth it?
The other day I was reading the book Asthma free naturally by Patrick Mackeown (Harris Thorsons ISBN 978 0 00 721036 7)
This product also has salt included, again innocent enough, however the question is, is this sea or rock salt, or regular“table salt” If they are using table salt, then it is not salt at all it is Sodium Nitrite, A chemical and a known carceogenic, incidently, natural salt has 84 essential minerals that our body actually needs, table salt has only two, what's left is dangerous junk!
And of course white bread is bleached, Studies show that alloxan, the chemical that makes white flour look "clean" and "beautiful," destroys the beta cells of the pancreas. That's right; you may be devastating your pancreas and putting yourself at risk for diabetes, all for the sake of eating "beautiful" flour. Is it worth it?
The other day I was reading the book Asthma free naturally by Patrick Mackeown (Harris Thorsons ISBN 978 0 00 721036 7)
and I quote, “White flour contains little nutrition & increases mucus mucus production. modern white flour has had approximatley four fiths of phosphorous and nearly all of the vitamins removed by processing, in order to produce a flour that can be shipped without becoming infested with insect life. The tests show white bread was unable to sustain insect life, while half a slice of Rye bread was totaly consumed by bugs.An finally, remember as a kid when you wanted to make wallpaper paste, what did we do! Exactly, water and white flour, now imagine digesting that lot!
Rye Bread is best in my opinion, organic, naturally, and this is worth passing on, Spelt Bread, an excellent choice if you are recovering from chemo............check it out.
Rye Bread is best in my opinion, organic, naturally, and this is worth passing on, Spelt Bread, an excellent choice if you are recovering from chemo............check it out.
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