Scientists have discovered that 1 in 7 men have a genetic risk for baldness. Researchers at Canada's McGill University and King's College London along with scientists at drug company GlaxoSmithKline have solved the mystery of male pattern baldness but say treating it will require more research
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Thursday, October 16, 2008
Alcohol linked to brain shrinkage
According to the latest research drinking alcohol shrinks the brain and the more alcohol an individual drinks, the smaller his or her total brain volume will be
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Vioxx heart risks confirmed in long-term study
A long-term study has confirmed the risks associated with the arthritis drug Vioxx.The study, an analysis of people who took the arthritis drug carried out by Dr. Robert Bresalier of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas, has found Vioxx doubles the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
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Breakthrough Powder Regrows Lost Fingers
An Ohio man completely regenerated a severed finger in only four weeks by applying a powder developed by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh.Sixty-nine-year-old Lee Spievak lost a half inch of his finger, down to the bone, to the propeller of a model airplane
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Pump up the volume but risk permanent hearing damage
Scientists are warning that listening to music through earphones, at high volumes, can cause permanent hearing damage - they say noise-induced hearing damage above 80-85 decibels is a known phenomenon and such damage can be prevented to a large extent by reducing the noise exposure levels and duration.
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Kill the tobacco industry, or it will keep killing
This month in Rio de Janeiro, the global tobacco industry's annual conference features a special session on what many are seeing as its Armageddon: plain, generic packaging
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Monday, October 13, 2008
The connection between stress and disease
Stress is unavoidable in today’s world, especially after the recent disastrous weeks in the economy.
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Changing the patterns that contribute to unhappiness
Linda Mitchell-Dominguez of Stillwater, a nurse turned holistic healer, is a small woman with a big vision. Nine years ago, she stopped working in traditional medicine with two goals.
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Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup
In case you missed it on TV, recent ads campaigns have tried to convince people that High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is something that's actually good for you. For me and many others who are into natural health and informed on the dangers of man made chemicals and food additives, a statement like that is not only a lie but an outright shock.
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Chemical in plastics affects cancer treatments
Bisphenol A, the chemical in plastics linked to heart disease, diabetes and stunted growth, may also interfere with cancer treatments, a study supported by the U.S. government has found. Chemotherapy agents were less effective against human breast-cancer cells exposed to low levels of the chemical, according to the study in the journal Environment
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Saturday, October 11, 2008
Music therapy reduces stress, anxiety and depression during
pMusic therapy can reduce psychological stress among pregnant women, according to research just published in a special complementary and alternative therapy medicine issue of the UK-based Journal of Clinical Nursing.
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St John's Wort 'as good as Prozac, study finds.
St John's Wort can be as good at lifting depression as pharmaceutical drugs such as Prozac, a study has found.A review of research evidence concluded that the herbal extract was as effective as standard antidepressants but had fewer side effects
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St John's Wort 'as good as Prozac, study finds.
St John's Wort can be as good at lifting depression as pharmaceutical drugs such as Prozac, a study has found.A review of research evidence concluded that the herbal extract was as effective as standard antidepressants but had fewer side effects
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Friday, October 10, 2008
Better Than Sedatives: Acupressure Calms Children Before Sur
An acupressure treatment applied to children undergoing anesthesia noticeably lowers their anxiety levels and makes the stress of surgery more calming for them and their families, UC Irvine anesthesiologists have learned
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People 'touch wood' to impose order
New research suggests that the reason why people carry out rituals such as touching wood or wearing a 'lucky' item or some other behaviour, is because they are experiencing a loss of control in their lives
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Goji Health Benefits Confirmed by Research
For 2,500 years, the goji berry was thought to have health benefits—most notably, improved vision and kidney and liver function. This nutrient-dense, chewy red little berry has gained popularity recently for its incredible health benefits. Goji berry juices, bars and supplements have become wildly popular among health and nutrition aficionados.
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Nerve Stimulation Therapy Alleviates Pain For Headache
A novel therapy using a miniature nerve stimulator instead of medication for the treatment of profoundly disabling headache disorders improved the experience of pain by 80-95 percent, according to a new study from the University of California, San Francisco and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London.
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Monday, October 06, 2008
Food nutrition labelling in the
A series of almost weekly food scares from China and the U.S. have made many consumers more aware of what goes into a food product and concern over where the ingredients are sourced from, but experts suggest many shoppers 'ignore food label schemes'.
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Research reveals strong link between music and cardiovascula
Brunel University's School of Sport and Education today reveals that, according to Dr Costas Karageorghis's latest research, carefully selected music can significantly increase a person's physical endurance and make the experience of cardiovascular exercise far more positive
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Sunday, October 05, 2008
City Streets with Trees Reduce Asthma in Children Living Nea
Young children who live on tree-lined streets have lower rates of asthma than children living on streets with less vegetation, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Columbia University.
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Pregnancy: Don’t eat nuts, don’t get stressed and don’t use
Women who eat nuts, get stressed or use a mobile phone while they are pregnant can cause health problems for their child, a range of recent studies has discovered.
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Saturday, October 04, 2008
Scientists Uncover the Mechanism for Antioxidant Prevention
A diet rich in antioxidants is a crucial element in anyone's quest for a long, healthy life. Of the many ailments that antioxidants help prevent, such as heart disease, neurological diseases and a number of cancers, the mechanism by which they prevent age-related blindness has finally been elucidated.
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Friday, October 03, 2008
Antisocial behaviour linked to low levels of stress hormone
A British research team have discovered a link between antisocial behaviour in male adolescents and reduced levels of the 'stress hormone' cortisolAs a rule levels of cortisol in the body increase when people undergo a stressful experience, such as public speaking, sitting an exam, or having surgery.
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Laughter: A fresh take on an old idea
Due to the pressure associated with trying to meet daily challenges, some people go through a whole day without laughing. Contrary to commonly-held beliefs, most laughter is not about humour - it is about relationships between people
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Thursday, October 02, 2008
Women who smoke at risk for major depression.
A new study by Australian scientists has revealed that women who smoke are at greater risk of developing a major depressive disorder.The link between depression in women and smoking was found as a result of a decade long study by researchers from the University of Melbourne and Barwon Health, Victoria's largest regional health service.
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FDA Review Toxic Tattoo Chemicals - Ignores Mercury Fillings
The FDA has launched an investigation into the chemicals contained in tattoo and permanent makeup inks, as well as their potential health consequences
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Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Emory University Hospital is using an innovative new medicin
for the minimally invasive treatment of aortic aneurysms, dangerous bulges or weaknesses in the body’s largest artery that can rupture with fatal consequences if left untreated.
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Warfarin linked to increased bleeding in brain
A new study shows that people who take the commonly used blood thinning drug warfarin may have larger amounts of bleeding in the brain and increased risk of death if they suffer a hemorrhagic stroke. The study is published in the September 30, 2008, print issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
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World Health Organization cautions against claims made by .
The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched an attack on advertisers who are claiming that an electronic cigarette - a battery-powered product usually made of stainless steel and resembling a real cigarette - is a safe or legitimate nicotine replacement therapy for smokers trying to quit.
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
Casting new energy onto broken limbs
It's bad enough sitting through the weeks of agony in a cast while your broken limb slowly heals. The itching, the sweat, the inability to sleep in a normal position - or shower - makes it unbearable. Worse still is the period of healing after the cast is removed:
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Psychotropic Drug Use Soars in UK Teens
The number of children being treated with anti-psychotic drugs has drastically increased in the United Kingdom, according to a study conducted by researchers from University of London's School of Pharmacy and published in the journal Pediatrics
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Patent for making oxygen from light and water
Astronauts, submariners, miners, and those suffering from lung ailments take note: Innovation is coming to the rescue. A group of scientists from Battelle has earned a patent for generating oxygen in a process that mimics photosynthesis.
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Friday, September 26, 2008
Doctor offers organic medicine as alternative
Dr. Craig Koniver of Summerville thinks many patients have become frustrated with conventional methods of treating illnesses. Koniver runs Primary Plus Organic Medicine, which offers patients options in organic medicine. Many patients with ailments are going to doctors and getting prescriptions without considering alternative forms of treatment,
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ADHD drugs should be last resort: new guidelines
Drugs such as Ritalin should be a last resort for treating children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and should never be prescribed to kids of preschool age, new guidelines suggest. The new guidelines, issued by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence in the United Kingdom, recommend that parents and other caregiver
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Medical studies about drugs may be victims of spin,
Medical studies about drugs may be victims of spin, says reportDoes the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have access to the data it needs to make informed decisions on approving drugs, or are drug companies cherry-picking the studies they publish to make their drugs look better than they actually are?
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Men are from Mars, women are from Venus
- when it comes to brainsThe comedians are right. The science proves it. A man's brain and a woman's brain really do work differently. New research from the University of Alberta shows that men and women utilize different parts of their brains while they perform the same tasks.
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Depressed women have more sex
Researchers at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, say depressed women have more sex than women who are mentally well.The researchers say depressed women have more sex regardless of whether they're in a committed relationship, from kissing and displays of affection, to foreplay and intercourse.
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Monday, September 22, 2008
The secrets of a long life? It's a long list
Economic disasters make the chances of receiving a decent pension increasingly remote but, even so, most people are keen to extend their lifespan. Britons want to emulate Americans so that in their seventies they will be leaping around tennis courts, plunging into the pool and playing 18 holes of golf.
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Age gracefully with good nutrition
Aging is a natural life process. However, research shows that certain foods may slow the process and postpone the inevitable. Specifically, foods containing antioxidants can help you look and feel younger.
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It reduces pain. It reduces illness. There is almost nothing
The young man was back in the hospital again. Flare-ups from his sickle-cell disease have put him there repeatedly over the years, and he’s only 25.
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
A spoonful of sugar really DOES help the medicine go down
Mary Poppins sang its praises in the 1964 film and yesterday a scientist insisted she was right - a spoonful of sugar really does help the medicine go down. Experts discovered that infants who are given sugar feel less pain during injections than those who go without.
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
U.S. Food and Water Supply Poisoned by Perchlorate
According to a report by the Organic Consumers Association, a toxic chemical that is a byproduct of rocket fuel is rapidly poisoning the food and water supply in the United States
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Why smiles can be better than Prozac
There seems to be a pill available to treat every condition these days, but when it comes to tackling depression and stress, the solutions could be simply to smile more, go dancing, throw out that copy of Heat magazine, and develop an appetite for kippers and seaweed.
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Tons of drugs dumped into wastewater
U.S. hospitals and long-term care facilities annually flush millions of pounds of unused pharmaceuticals down the drain, pumping contaminants into America's drinking water, according to an ongoing Associated Press investigation.
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Successful Natural Treatment for Autism. A Progress Report
CA, September 10, 2008 - Parents of autistic children are being trained in a simple, non-drug based, procedure that activates the alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway in their children. The parents act as clinical investigators and openly document the changes observed during and after the therapy
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
Your walk may reveal more than you think
A woman's stride indicates how easily she can orgasm, researchers claim.The way a woman walks might be giving away a lot more about her than she knows, a new study says.
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Hydrogen Vehicles Coming Soon ? Two Million Could Be On Road
A transition to hydrogen vehicles could greatly reduce U.S. oil dependence and carbon dioxide emissions, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Research Council, but making hydrogen vehicles competitive in the automotive market will not be easy. While the development of fuel cell and hydrogen production technology over .....
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World's largest-ever study of 'near-death' experiences.
The AWARE (AWAreness during REsuscitation) study is to be launched by the Human Consciousness Project of the University of Southampton - an international collaboration of scientists and physicians who have joined forces to study the human brain, consciousness and clinical death
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tobacco caused 2.4mill cases of cancer in the US in 5 years
The latest report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the U.S. reveals some shocking figures.The CDC report says in the five year period between 1999 to 2004, tobacco was responsible for 2.4 million cases of cancer in the U.S.
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Sunday, September 07, 2008
Hold the Spinach, Hold the Lettuce the FDA Wants to Nuke Our Veggies
The FDA has just announced that food producers may now start zapping lettuce and spinach with just enough ionizing radiation to kill E. coli
The muckety-mucks at the FDA have decided, in their infinite wisdom, to use the American public as guinea pigs in an ongoing human experiment to find out the long-term effects of the consumption of irradiated food. In spite of the FDA's insistence that eating food treated with just a wee bit of ionizing radiation is safe, Public Citizen (a consumer watchdog group founded by Ralph Nader in 1971 for the purpose of protecting health, safety, and democracy) believes otherwise (understatement) and is trying to get the word out to consumers about the lies that are being told to the trusting American public.While many people may not be aware of it, the irradiation of food has been going on in the United States for a long time. Rather than using something like a skull and crossbones, food that has been irradiated is supposed to be marked with the radura symbol, which looks like a happy, little green flower. It's not surprising that many people wouldn't even notice this, and those that do might make the mistake of thinking the product is healthy.Of course, makers of frozen foods like pizza and lasagna and such that use irradiated spices aren't even required to mention this on the box at all. (What's a little bit of ionizing radiation amongst friends?) Moreover, consumers of irradiated food served in restaurants, hospitals, schools, and nursing homes are not given any sort of warning whatsoever.Much of What is Irradiated Isn't LabeledFood isn't the only thing being irradiated. According to Food Technology Service Inc., (FTSI), items that are commonly sterilized with gamma radiation include pharmaceuticals (another reason to get off those meds), medical devices, medical disposable products, saline, cosmetics and toiletries, packaging, laboratory equipment, herbs and spices, produce, meat and poultry, animal feed, and documents. According to an article at, drug makers have used gamma radiation to sterilize pharmaceuticals for more than forty years.Irradiated Food Unsafe to EatPublic Citizen maintains that irradiated food is not safe to eat. According to their Q & A's on irradiated foods, "Irradiated food has caused a myriad of serious health problems in laboratory animals that ate irradiated foods, including premature death, fatal internal bleeding, a rare form of cancer, stillbirths and other reproductive problems, mutations and other genetic damage, organ malfunctions, stunted growth and vitamin deficiencies." A review of the studies demonstrates that this is absolutely correct. has compiled a list of some interesting studies for those who wish to confirm this information. also has quite a bit of information on the studies that have been conducted in this area. How an organization like the FDA which is supposed to be looking out for public health can ignore all of these studies is just beyond belief.Public Citizen also reports that the studies show that irradiation can cause the formation of Unique Radiolytic Products (URPs), including cyclo-butanones, which were found to promote cancer and genetic damage in rats. Cyclo-butanones were also found to cause genetic and cellular damage in both human and rat cells. Since cyclo-butanones are a radiation byproduct of palmitic acid, a type of fat that is found in most all foods, there is definitely cause for concern.Additionally, irradiation is responsible for the formation of free radicals, which most people know is not a good thing. That's not all. Public Citizen reports that irradiation can also form chemicals linked to cancer and birth defects such as benzene, toluene, and methyl ethyl ketone. Sounds yummy -- not!Irradiation Doesn't Solve Sanitation IssuesWith apologies to those with weak stomachs, Public Citizen also reports that irradiation does not "remove the feces, urine, pus, vomit and tumors often left on beef, chicken, and lamb after processing in filthy and inhumane slaughterhouses." Since the government allows companies to use conveyor belt speeds that allow the processing of carcasses at the speed of 300 per hour for cows and 100 per minute for chickens (check out, things are getting worse and worse. Cheeseburger, anyone?Irradiation Destroys More Than Just the Nasty StuffIn addition to creating all of the nasty stuff, irradiation destroys things like the vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. In fact, "up to 80 percent of vitamin A in eggs and half of the beta carotene in orange juice" is destroyed, according to Public Citizen. Cooking the food only serves to amplify the nutrient loss, in many cases. Of course, the irradiation can also destroy the beneficial microorganisms that help to prevent botulism and the ones that create odors which signal that a food has gone bad.Irradiated Food Tastes, Smells and Looks TerribleFood that has been irradiated doesn't taste as good as fresh food, either. Consumer Reports notes that cooked irradiated meats (beef, chicken) taste and smell like singed hair. Public Citizen equates the smell of irradiated beef to that of a wet dog and notes that it makes onions turn brown and eggs turn runny. Yuck. Who would want to eat food that smells, tastes and looks terrible with all sorts of health risks?Follow The Money TrailThe answer, of course, is that nobody should want to eat this kind of food. There's usually an answer to be found if one follows the money trail. So, who stands to profit by the irradiation of foods and vegetables, other than the people who get paid to irradiate it?According to an article at, the nuclear establishment wants to be able to use nuclear waste for food irradiators. This would allow them to spread the nuclear waste widely, rather than having to worry about the cost and problems of disposing of it all in one place. Their idea is to use leftover radioactive cesium for food irradiation; however, since this stuff is water soluble, it could be a real disaster in any community where a spill occurs. Therefore, in addition to all of the ill health effects caused by eating irradiated food, there are other kinds of health dangers to consider, as well.Better, Safer, Cheaper SolutionsOf course, the FDA wants everyone to believe that there is no other way to protect the poor, helpless people with weak immune systems from getting sick except to irradiate lettuce and spinach. This is just complete and utter nonsense. It is ridiculous to endanger the health of an entire nation to serve the needs of just a few people. One obvious solution is for people with compromised immune systems to simply cook their food.Tersano Lotus Sanitizing SystemHowever, there is something called the Tersano Lotus Sanitizing System, currently available at, which uses ordinary tap water to sanitize food in just a few seconds for a fraction of a penny. The FDA and USDA know about this machine, because they have approved it for food sanitation. It kills 99.9 percent of: E. coli, salmonella, staphylococcus aureus (Listeria), and K. Pneumonia.According to, here's how it works: "The lotus patented Oxyshield technology infuses cold tap water with an extra oxygen atom, creating a natural sanitizer. By passing air through 4,500 volts of electricity, the lotus system splits oxygen molecules into atoms and forces this extra atom to combine and form super-oxygen, or ozone. The third oxygen atom becomes the sanitizing agent, a natural oxidant -- which kills bacteria and viruses, and neutralizes pesticides." Hmm... sure sounds a little safer than irradiation, not to mention cheaper and much more practical. Oh, but wait -- then the nuclear industry wouldn't be able to use peoples' dinner plates to dispose of their radioactive materials.Take ActionSo, what can consumers do about this food irradiation problem? Well, the best solution is, of course, to grow as many vegetables at home as possible. If that's not possible, buy vegetables directly at local farmers' markets. Even though food that has been irradiated is supposed to be labeled if it is bought as a separate item, don't count on it. Trust no one. Be very suspicious of imported fruits and vegetables. Naturally, don't purchase any foods that contain the radura symbol.Beware of Pasteurized FoodAlso, be very suspicious of any food that is "pasteurized." There is a big difference between food being irradiated and food being pasteurized, but some groups are pushing to be able to label irradiated food as pasteurized, according to a government document. In fact, Public Citizen reports that they have "filed false advertising complaints with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission against two meat companies -- Omaha Steaks and Huisken Meats -- that have either used the phrase 'electronically pasteurized' or outright failed to mention in their advertising material that their products have been irradiated."Consumers should also tell their local school boards that they don't want their children being served irradiated food, and provide information about how easy it is for companies to sneak things like irradiated spices into food service products. Consumers should also tell their local grocers that irradiated products are unacceptable and prepare fact sheets about irradiation to distribute at grocery stores and PTA meetings. Flyers can be placed on peoples' cars parked in shopping center parking lots. Consumers should certainly call the FDA and complain (1-888-INFO-FDA) constantly. Don't forget to call and write to let lawmakers know about this, too.Bad Science at the FDAThe bottom line is that the FDA used only 7 studies to make their determination that irradiated food is "safe" to eat, according to Public Citizen. This is a complete joke (only it's not too funny), given that there have been over 400 studies. Of the 7 studies they used, only three were published in peer-reviewed journals. In two of the studies, the doses of radiation used were far below what is currently allowed by the FDA. (Better science than this can be seen in middle school science fair projects.) Moreover, three of the studies used were written in French, and the FDA has no translations.Act NowThe time to act is now. Let the FDA know that there are much better ways to ensure the safety of the food supply other than irradiation. Allowing farmers to use human sewage for irrigation probably doesn't help matters much, either. It is common for the government to come up with solutions that try to solve an immediate problem (i.e. people getting sick from unsanitary food) without looking at the bigger picture which, in this case, is peoples' long-term health. The intelligentsia of society needs to stand up and make their voices heard, because the great minds of our time clearly aren't working at the FDA.
Natural childbirth makes mothers more responsive to own baby-cry
A new study has found that mothers who delivered vaginally compared to caesarean section delivery (CSD) were significantly more responsive to the cry of their own baby, identified through MRI brain scans two to four weeks after delivery.
The results of the study, to be published today in The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, suggest that vaginal delivery (VD) mothers are more sensitive to own baby-cry in the regions of the brain that are believed to regulate emotions, motivation and habitual behaviours.
CSD is a surgical procedure, in which delivery occurs via incisions in the abdominal and uterine wall. It is considered necessary under some conditions to protect the health or survival of infant or mother, but it is controversially linked with postpartum depression. In the US the occurrence of CSD has increased steeply from 4.5% of all deliveries in 1965 to a recent high in 2006 of 29.1%.
The critical capacity of adults to develop the thoughts and behaviours needed for parents to care successfully for their newborn infants is supported by specific brain circuits and a range of hormones. The experience of childbirth by VD compared with CSD uniquely involves the pulsatile release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary, uterine contractions and vagino-cervical stimulation. Oxytocin is a key mediator of maternal behaviour in animals.
"We wondered which brain areas would be less active in parents who delivered by caesarean section, given that this mode of delivery has been associated with decreased maternal behaviours in animal models, and a trend for increased postpartum depression in humans," said lead author Dr. James Swain, Child Study Centre, Yale University. "Our results support the theory that variations in delivery conditions such as with caesarean section, which alters the neurohormonal experiences of childbirth, might decrease the responsiveness of the human maternal brain in the early postpartum."
The researchers also looked into the brain areas affected by delivery conditions and found relationships between brain activity and measures of mood suggesting that some of the same brain regions may help regulate postpartum mood.
"As more women opt to wait until they are older to have children, and by association be more likely to have a caesarean section delivery, these results are important because they could provide better understanding of the basic neurophysiology and psychology of parent-infant attachment," said Swain. "This work could lead to early detection of families at risk for postpartum depression and attachment problems and form a model for testing interventions."
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Some Proof that Marijuana is a Powerful Medicine
Marijuana contains an amazing chemical, beta-caryophyllene, and scientists have thoroughly proven that it could be used to treat pain, inflammation, atherosclerosis, and osteoporosis.
Jürg Gertsch, of ETH Zürich, and his collaborators from three other universities learned that the natural molecule can activate a protein called cannabinoid receptor type 2. When that biological button is pushed, it soothes the immune system, increases bone mass, and blocks pain signals -- without causing euphoria or interfering with the central nervous system. READ ON
Jürg Gertsch, of ETH Zürich, and his collaborators from three other universities learned that the natural molecule can activate a protein called cannabinoid receptor type 2. When that biological button is pushed, it soothes the immune system, increases bone mass, and blocks pain signals -- without causing euphoria or interfering with the central nervous system. READ ON
Inside Medicine: Dangerous drug, do-nothing FDA
Research has shown that Darvocet (and its first cousin Darvon) is no more effective than acetaminophen (Tylenol) or aspirin, and perhaps it is no more effective than even a sugar pill. Experts suggest that to treat serious pain, ibuprofen is far more effective than Darvocet.
The active ingredient in Darvocet is propoxyphene (also found in Darvon and Wygesic), which is dangerous and ineffective. Specifically, propoxyphene can cause serious cardiac problems, including issues with the heart pumping blood. Propoxyphene also causes harmful effects on the brain (sedation and confusion) that can lead to the type of problems many people experience – difficulty standing, loss of balance and difficulty thinking clearly. READ ON
The active ingredient in Darvocet is propoxyphene (also found in Darvon and Wygesic), which is dangerous and ineffective. Specifically, propoxyphene can cause serious cardiac problems, including issues with the heart pumping blood. Propoxyphene also causes harmful effects on the brain (sedation and confusion) that can lead to the type of problems many people experience – difficulty standing, loss of balance and difficulty thinking clearly. READ ON
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Health Freedom Warning: Drug Company Seeks to Outlaw Vitamin B6 to Protect Pharma Profits.
Big Pharma is constantly finding new ways to destroy the natural supplements market, in much the same way that the American Medical Association once sought to destroy the chiropractic industry (for which it was later found guilty of conspiracy in U.S. courts, by the way).
The latest attack against vitamins comes from an FDA petition filed by Medicure Pharma, Inc., which has astonishingly asked the FDA to ban the sale of Vitamin B6!Vitamin B6, of course, is a naturally-occurring nutrient found in numerous vegetables, nuts and whole grains. Its natural form is called pyridoxal 5'-phosphate or P5P for short. It's an essential nutrient for expectant mothers, growing children and anyone who wishes to be healthy. It's absolutely crucial for healthy blood cell function, and it's used in over 100 enzymatic reactions involving protein metabolism. READ ON
The latest attack against vitamins comes from an FDA petition filed by Medicure Pharma, Inc., which has astonishingly asked the FDA to ban the sale of Vitamin B6!Vitamin B6, of course, is a naturally-occurring nutrient found in numerous vegetables, nuts and whole grains. Its natural form is called pyridoxal 5'-phosphate or P5P for short. It's an essential nutrient for expectant mothers, growing children and anyone who wishes to be healthy. It's absolutely crucial for healthy blood cell function, and it's used in over 100 enzymatic reactions involving protein metabolism. READ ON
Gay Brains Are Wired Differently Say Scientists
Using scanning technology, researchers in Sweden found that the brains of gay men and women were wired differently to the brains of heterosexual people of the same sex, but were similar to the brains of heterosexual people that were of the opposite sex to them.
Thus a gay man's brain was in some ways more like the brain of a heterosexual woman than a heterosexual man, and the brain of a gay or lesbian woman was more like that of a heterosexual man than a heterosexual woman.The study was the work of Drs Ivanka Savic and Per Lindström from the Stockholm Brain Institute at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute and is published online in the June 16 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). READ ON
Thus a gay man's brain was in some ways more like the brain of a heterosexual woman than a heterosexual man, and the brain of a gay or lesbian woman was more like that of a heterosexual man than a heterosexual woman.The study was the work of Drs Ivanka Savic and Per Lindström from the Stockholm Brain Institute at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute and is published online in the June 16 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). READ ON
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Primate expert Jane Goodall appeals for EU ban on animal testing in research
"We need to recognize at the outset that what we do to animals from their perspective certainly, and probably from ours, is morally wrong and unacceptable," Goodall said.
Goodall, the world's best-known observer of the behaviour of chimpanzees, is a longtime campaigner for animal rights.
She presented a petition bearing 150,000 names to legislators from the European Parliament. It called on both the parliament and the EU's executive office to find methods of testing that do not involve animals.
Goodall joined with animal rights groups to pressure European Union governments to revise EU rules from 1986 by expanding expand a ban on the use of animals in testing - and to promote alternative
Goodall, the world's best-known observer of the behaviour of chimpanzees, is a longtime campaigner for animal rights.
She presented a petition bearing 150,000 names to legislators from the European Parliament. It called on both the parliament and the EU's executive office to find methods of testing that do not involve animals.
Goodall joined with animal rights groups to pressure European Union governments to revise EU rules from 1986 by expanding expand a ban on the use of animals in testing - and to promote alternative
technologies for medical research.
You can read the rest of this story by clicking here
Ex-surgeon Caldwell Esselstyn espouses a noninvasive cure for heart disease
What a great man! Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. has no qualms about stepping inside the nation's No. 1 heart hospital and dishing on angioplasty.
Invasive treatment is a mainstay of cardiac care, and it pays the bills. It's also what's wrong with medicine, says the retired Cleveland Clinic surgeon who has been affiliated with the hospital for 40 years.
Esselstyn has turned his life's work to demonstrating that heart disease doesn't need to exist in the first place. And if it does, it can be reversed. The remedy is a plant-based diet, he says.
Invasive treatment is a mainstay of cardiac care, and it pays the bills. It's also what's wrong with medicine, says the retired Cleveland Clinic surgeon who has been affiliated with the hospital for 40 years.
Esselstyn has turned his life's work to demonstrating that heart disease doesn't need to exist in the first place. And if it does, it can be reversed. The remedy is a plant-based diet, he says.
Learn to live with no meat, no fish, no dairy or oils of any kind, and make yourself "heart-attack proof."
Most doctors would agree a strict vegetarian diet is good for the heart. But the idea that a diet free of animal products and fat can cure the No. 1 killer in America is a point of debate among doctors.
Drug companies are in fierce competition to find a cholesterol drug that does what Esselstyn argues can be done better through diet. The call to attack artery-clogging plaque naturally is a challenge to the medical profession and an unspoken threat to the bottom line of the medical industry.
Most doctors would agree a strict vegetarian diet is good for the heart. But the idea that a diet free of animal products and fat can cure the No. 1 killer in America is a point of debate among doctors.
Drug companies are in fierce competition to find a cholesterol drug that does what Esselstyn argues can be done better through diet. The call to attack artery-clogging plaque naturally is a challenge to the medical profession and an unspoken threat to the bottom line of the medical industry.
This fab story is to long to blog here, visit fro the full story
Hey Therapists. Want to earn £10000 NOW!
Well this guy says he will. Edzard Ernst, who researches complementary medicine at Exeter University, is offering a cash prize to anyone who can prove that homeopathy can be successful.Prof Ernst says the £10,000 reward will go the first person who can prove that the treatment works better than a placebo in scientific trials.The professor claims to have carried out 200 strictly-controlled trials and says he is yet to find any firm evidence of successful homeopathy. Quick go and earn yourself a quck 1000 at
Top Psychiatric Researcher Dr. Biederman Caught Lying about $1.6 Million in Drug Money;
Wow! I was reading this story and was horrified to discover that top Psychiatric Researcher Dr. Biederman Caught Lying about $1.6 Million in Drug Money and Performed Medical Experiments on Children.
He was a highly-influential researcher at Harvard University, Dr. Biederman spearheaded a 4000% increase in the diagnosis of pediatric bipolar disorder from 1994 to 2003, resulting in billions of dollars in revenues for drug companies and millions of children being put on mind-altering medications. Now, thanks to an investigation by the office of Sen. Charles Grassley and a damning report published in the New York Times, it has been revealed that Dr. Biederman lied about the amount of money he received from drug companies -- a figure that may exceed $1.6 million.
read the whole story's worth it
Sunday, June 08, 2008
WOW! Parents, you must get a load of this article
Who knows what else they are putting kids drink these days, no wonder teenagers are buzzing around and are hyperactive. Red Bull gives you wings.....Now I know why. Check out the archive page on the cocaine drink that is being marketed towards kids. I mean really, where is going to stop.
Please pass this blog on to all parents, more importantly let the kids know exactly what they are drinking, I'm sure like my kids, they'll thank you for it.
check it out at
Monday, April 21, 2008
We have spoke before about MSG, so I will not go into the harm
that this substance causes.
The last edition on smoking and it’s ingredients has encouraged readers to to ask me more about MSG and how to recognise it. Should you want to know more about MSG, please email me and I’ll send you a copy of the story we ran awhile back.Hidden Sources
Kombu, a seaweed, was first used in Japan as a flavor enhancer. A Japanese doctor isolated the main ingredient -- MSG, or monosodium glutamate -- and started what has become a million-dollar industry.
MSG is now the most widely used flavor enhancer in the world. MSG and MSG-containing substances are used in processed food, in fast foods, and in Chinese food. They're also found in nearly all canned and frozen foods.
While some people can use MSG with no adverse effects, many others have severe reactions to it, some of them life-threatening. MSG has been linked to asthma, headaches, and heart irrTerms that frequently indicate hidden MSG additives Malt extract Bouillon Broth Stock Flavoring Natural Flavoring Natural Beef or Chicken Flavoring Seasoning Spices
Additives that may contain MSG or excitotoxins
Carrageenan Enzymes Soy Protein Concentrate Soy Protein Isolate Whey Protein Concentrate Protease enzymes of various sources can release excitotoxin amino acids from food proteins. And there you have it, try eating foods without this and you’ll enjoy a whole new experience.Guaranteed!egularities. Behavioral and physical problems of children, such as incontinence and seizures, as well as attention deficit disorder (ADD), have been diagnosed and successfully treated as MSG disorders.
Those wishing to eliminate MSG from their diets are faced with an almost impossible task. Food preparers are often unaware that they're even using MSG. Labels can be misleading. A label that says "No MSG added" doesn't necessarily mean that the food is free of MSG, it simply means that the manufacturer didn't put in additional MSG. MSG goes under many aliases, one of the most common being "hydrolyzed vegetable protein," an additive used to increase the protein content of a wide variety of foods.
Manufacturers also hide MSG as part of "natural flavorings," because it is a natural product. But being natural is not the same as being harmless.
Below is a partial list of the most common names for disguised MSG. Remember also that the powerful excitotoxins aspartate and L-cysteine are frequently added to foods and, according to
FDA rules, require no labeling at all.
Additives that always contain MSG
Monosodium Glutamate Hydrolyzed Vegetable ProteinHydrolyzed ProteinHydrolyzed Plant ProteinPlant Protein ExtractSodium CaseinateCalcium CaseinateYeast ExtractTextured Protein Autolyzed YeastHydrolyzed Oat Flour
that this substance causes.
The last edition on smoking and it’s ingredients has encouraged readers to to ask me more about MSG and how to recognise it. Should you want to know more about MSG, please email me and I’ll send you a copy of the story we ran awhile back.Hidden Sources
Kombu, a seaweed, was first used in Japan as a flavor enhancer. A Japanese doctor isolated the main ingredient -- MSG, or monosodium glutamate -- and started what has become a million-dollar industry.
MSG is now the most widely used flavor enhancer in the world. MSG and MSG-containing substances are used in processed food, in fast foods, and in Chinese food. They're also found in nearly all canned and frozen foods.
While some people can use MSG with no adverse effects, many others have severe reactions to it, some of them life-threatening. MSG has been linked to asthma, headaches, and heart irrTerms that frequently indicate hidden MSG additives Malt extract Bouillon Broth Stock Flavoring Natural Flavoring Natural Beef or Chicken Flavoring Seasoning Spices
Additives that may contain MSG or excitotoxins
Carrageenan Enzymes Soy Protein Concentrate Soy Protein Isolate Whey Protein Concentrate Protease enzymes of various sources can release excitotoxin amino acids from food proteins. And there you have it, try eating foods without this and you’ll enjoy a whole new experience.Guaranteed!egularities. Behavioral and physical problems of children, such as incontinence and seizures, as well as attention deficit disorder (ADD), have been diagnosed and successfully treated as MSG disorders.
Those wishing to eliminate MSG from their diets are faced with an almost impossible task. Food preparers are often unaware that they're even using MSG. Labels can be misleading. A label that says "No MSG added" doesn't necessarily mean that the food is free of MSG, it simply means that the manufacturer didn't put in additional MSG. MSG goes under many aliases, one of the most common being "hydrolyzed vegetable protein," an additive used to increase the protein content of a wide variety of foods.
Manufacturers also hide MSG as part of "natural flavorings," because it is a natural product. But being natural is not the same as being harmless.
Below is a partial list of the most common names for disguised MSG. Remember also that the powerful excitotoxins aspartate and L-cysteine are frequently added to foods and, according to
FDA rules, require no labeling at all.
Additives that always contain MSG
Monosodium Glutamate Hydrolyzed Vegetable ProteinHydrolyzed ProteinHydrolyzed Plant ProteinPlant Protein ExtractSodium CaseinateCalcium CaseinateYeast ExtractTextured Protein Autolyzed YeastHydrolyzed Oat Flour
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The dangers of Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates
In this edition it seems appropriate, since we have an articles on coffee to talk about sugar and carbohydrates.
Sugar is, by far, the greatest addiction in the United States. It is far more excessive than all other forms of substance abuse combined. Yet little attention is given to this insidious condition and the slow but surely destructive consequences of its abuse.
At the turn of the last century, a mere 100 years ago, diabetes was number 100 on the list of frequency of illnesses. That meant that there were 99 other diseases that you could get more readily than diabetes. Today diabetes is number three on that same list. What could possibly change so dramatically to cause diabetes to become an epidemic?Consider that in 1895 the average American consumed 3 to 4 pounds of sugar per year. It was a treat to ride into town and pick up a nickel bag of candy from the general store - and it would last a week! Maybe on Sunday, mama would bake a pie for the family's sit-down dinner. Today, the average American (not the chocoholic) consumes his or her own bodyweight in sugar every year!!! All of this highly refined "rocket fuel" must be metabolized rapidly by the pancreas. The pancreas must produce insulin, the hormone responsible for converting blood glucose into the stored form glycogen and eventually triglycerides.
Sugar is, by far, the greatest addiction in the United States. It is far more excessive than all other forms of substance abuse combined. Yet little attention is given to this insidious condition and the slow but surely destructive consequences of its abuse.
At the turn of the last century, a mere 100 years ago, diabetes was number 100 on the list of frequency of illnesses. That meant that there were 99 other diseases that you could get more readily than diabetes. Today diabetes is number three on that same list. What could possibly change so dramatically to cause diabetes to become an epidemic?Consider that in 1895 the average American consumed 3 to 4 pounds of sugar per year. It was a treat to ride into town and pick up a nickel bag of candy from the general store - and it would last a week! Maybe on Sunday, mama would bake a pie for the family's sit-down dinner. Today, the average American (not the chocoholic) consumes his or her own bodyweight in sugar every year!!! All of this highly refined "rocket fuel" must be metabolized rapidly by the pancreas. The pancreas must produce insulin, the hormone responsible for converting blood glucose into the stored form glycogen and eventually triglycerides.
When we pack high amounts of sugar into the bodies of small children it makes them run like a jet engine. When the sugar is converted by insulin, as it must be, the blood sugar often drops below optimal levels. This produces a temporary state of hypoglycemia, resulting in a loss of energy, frequently producing lethargy. Does that sound like your child?
The number one cause for mood swings, characterized by hyperactivity one minute and lethargy and moodiness the next, is the over-consumption of sugar-laden foods. Everything has sugar in it. It is the cheapest preservative the food industry uses to increase the shelf life of processed foods When children start off their day with a glass of concentrated fruit juice, a bowl of sugar-filled cereal to which they have added more sugar, white toast with jam or jelly, and a glass of chocolate-syrup milk, is it a surprise when a roller coaster ride of moods and emotions soon follows?
Monitoring the child's diet is frequently a neglected factor in an ADD/ADHD management program because it takes attention and constancy. Parents frequently have similar unhealthy eating habits and are not willing to alter them for the sake of their children. There are several things we can do to offset the detrimental effects of sugar. The minerals, chromium & vanadium, have been shown to assist the body in the metabolizing of glucose.
The number one cause for mood swings, characterized by hyperactivity one minute and lethargy and moodiness the next, is the over-consumption of sugar-laden foods. Everything has sugar in it. It is the cheapest preservative the food industry uses to increase the shelf life of processed foods When children start off their day with a glass of concentrated fruit juice, a bowl of sugar-filled cereal to which they have added more sugar, white toast with jam or jelly, and a glass of chocolate-syrup milk, is it a surprise when a roller coaster ride of moods and emotions soon follows?
Monitoring the child's diet is frequently a neglected factor in an ADD/ADHD management program because it takes attention and constancy. Parents frequently have similar unhealthy eating habits and are not willing to alter them for the sake of their children. There are several things we can do to offset the detrimental effects of sugar. The minerals, chromium & vanadium, have been shown to assist the body in the metabolizing of glucose.
The effectiveness of these elements destructive habits and then complain afterwards that "it didn't work." Perhaps what is needed is a little reality check? Yes?
Prinz and his associates found that hyperactivity and destructive behavior are positively correlated with the amount of sugar consumed. Langseth and Dowd conducted a study on 261 hyperactive children. They found that after 5 hours of oral glucose tolerance tests, 74% displayed abnormal glucose tolerance levels. These studies prove that hypoglycemia promotes hyperkinesis and that refined carboydrates appear to be the major factor in promoting reactive hypoglycemia. [Sanders L, Hofeldt F, Kirk M, Levin J. Refined carbohydrate as a contributing factor in reactive hypoglycemia. Southern Med J 1982; 75: 1972-1975]
Taking an active interest in your child's diet is so important to his or her health. Knowing about allergies and other sensitivities to food is critical in solving the problem of hyperactivity. Before prescriptive drugs are used to help ADD, nutritional factors and basic nutrition programs should be considered.
Prinz and his associates found that hyperactivity and destructive behavior are positively correlated with the amount of sugar consumed. Langseth and Dowd conducted a study on 261 hyperactive children. They found that after 5 hours of oral glucose tolerance tests, 74% displayed abnormal glucose tolerance levels. These studies prove that hypoglycemia promotes hyperkinesis and that refined carboydrates appear to be the major factor in promoting reactive hypoglycemia. [Sanders L, Hofeldt F, Kirk M, Levin J. Refined carbohydrate as a contributing factor in reactive hypoglycemia. Southern Med J 1982; 75: 1972-1975]
Taking an active interest in your child's diet is so important to his or her health. Knowing about allergies and other sensitivities to food is critical in solving the problem of hyperactivity. Before prescriptive drugs are used to help ADD, nutritional factors and basic nutrition programs should be considered.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The dangers of eating white bread
A very big welcome to you all and may I take the opportunity of wishing a peaceful, prosperous and a healthy new year.
I guess on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of what is bad for you, white bride might score around 5, depending of course which white bread you eat. Needles to say, the more economical pre cut and packed breads are going to be be the worst, Brown bread included!
I’m looking at the ingredients of Nimble white Bread, all seems ok until you come to Ascorbic Acid. It seems hardly likely that taking high doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can cause thickening or hardening of the arteries since so many people have taken high doses for a long time and indeed Vitamin c treatment is used in clinics to cure Cancer.
Researchers from the University of California reported just that on March 2, 2000. People who took 500 mgs of ascorbic acid had a 2.5 times faster progression of thickening of the carotid artery (hardening of the arteries) than people who took no supplement.although tghis product contains E472e, a stabilzer, has no reported side effects, however you are eating something that has altered the natural condition of the bread which in turn gives it an un natural shelf life.
I guess on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of what is bad for you, white bride might score around 5, depending of course which white bread you eat. Needles to say, the more economical pre cut and packed breads are going to be be the worst, Brown bread included!
I’m looking at the ingredients of Nimble white Bread, all seems ok until you come to Ascorbic Acid. It seems hardly likely that taking high doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can cause thickening or hardening of the arteries since so many people have taken high doses for a long time and indeed Vitamin c treatment is used in clinics to cure Cancer.
Researchers from the University of California reported just that on March 2, 2000. People who took 500 mgs of ascorbic acid had a 2.5 times faster progression of thickening of the carotid artery (hardening of the arteries) than people who took no supplement.although tghis product contains E472e, a stabilzer, has no reported side effects, however you are eating something that has altered the natural condition of the bread which in turn gives it an un natural shelf life.
Don't be fooled by the word "wheat" (as labelled on this product) when it comes to flour. All flour derived from wheat can be called "wheat flour," even if it is processed, bleached and stripped of its nutrition. Only "whole grain wheat flour" is a healthful form of wheat flour. Many consumers mistakenly believe that "wheat flour"products are whole grain products. In fact, this is not true. Food manufacturers fool consumers with this trick.
This product also has salt included, again innocent enough, however the question is, is this sea or rock salt, or regular“table salt” If they are using table salt, then it is not salt at all it is Sodium Nitrite, A chemical and a known carceogenic, incidently, natural salt has 84 essential minerals that our body actually needs, table salt has only two, what's left is dangerous junk!
And of course white bread is bleached, Studies show that alloxan, the chemical that makes white flour look "clean" and "beautiful," destroys the beta cells of the pancreas. That's right; you may be devastating your pancreas and putting yourself at risk for diabetes, all for the sake of eating "beautiful" flour. Is it worth it?
The other day I was reading the book Asthma free naturally by Patrick Mackeown (Harris Thorsons ISBN 978 0 00 721036 7)
This product also has salt included, again innocent enough, however the question is, is this sea or rock salt, or regular“table salt” If they are using table salt, then it is not salt at all it is Sodium Nitrite, A chemical and a known carceogenic, incidently, natural salt has 84 essential minerals that our body actually needs, table salt has only two, what's left is dangerous junk!
And of course white bread is bleached, Studies show that alloxan, the chemical that makes white flour look "clean" and "beautiful," destroys the beta cells of the pancreas. That's right; you may be devastating your pancreas and putting yourself at risk for diabetes, all for the sake of eating "beautiful" flour. Is it worth it?
The other day I was reading the book Asthma free naturally by Patrick Mackeown (Harris Thorsons ISBN 978 0 00 721036 7)
and I quote, “White flour contains little nutrition & increases mucus mucus production. modern white flour has had approximatley four fiths of phosphorous and nearly all of the vitamins removed by processing, in order to produce a flour that can be shipped without becoming infested with insect life. The tests show white bread was unable to sustain insect life, while half a slice of Rye bread was totaly consumed by bugs.An finally, remember as a kid when you wanted to make wallpaper paste, what did we do! Exactly, water and white flour, now imagine digesting that lot!
Rye Bread is best in my opinion, organic, naturally, and this is worth passing on, Spelt Bread, an excellent choice if you are recovering from chemo............check it out.
Rye Bread is best in my opinion, organic, naturally, and this is worth passing on, Spelt Bread, an excellent choice if you are recovering from chemo............check it out.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
The Healing power of Basil
Say the word "basil," and most people will think of the tasty green sauce known as pesto, which like the word pestle (as in mortar and pestle) comes from the Italian word pestare meaning to "pound" or "stamp on." This refers to the traditional way in which pesto was made, by grinding the fresh leaves in a mortar along with garlic, salt, pine nuts, cheese, and olive oil. Although we tend to associate basil with Italy and other Mediterranean countries, it actually originated in India and was brought to the Mediterranean via the spice routes in ancient times.
The whole herb, both fresh and dried, is used medicinally. Basil has been used for mild nervous disorders and for the alleviation of rheumatic pains, and, although the mechanism isn't yet understood, preliminary studies have shown that the leaf and seed may help people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar levels. In addition, the seed has been found to relieve constipation.
The volatile oil of basil has shown antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activity in test tube studies. It's also believed to act as a carminative, relieving intestinal gas, and as a mild diuretic.
As a natural tranquilizer, basil is said to be a tonic and calms the nervous system. It aids the digestion and also eases stomach cramps, relieves nausea, and arrests vomiting.
Basil is an important herb to detoxify an over-indulged body, where eating patterns have been erratic. It'll quickly restore the blood to its natural balance and help eliminate toxins formed by incorrect eating and environmental pollution.
Most remarkable of all, basil is the herb that lifts the spirit. It helps with heavy-heartedness and anxiety and has the ability to soothe tension, yet helps you to remain attentive and alert. A pleasant tea can be made by steeping a teaspoon of basil leaves in a cup of water for 10 minutes.
Cultivated for more than 2,000 years, basil symbolizes love. At one time, young girls would place some on their windowsill to indicate they were looking for a suitor. In Tudor times, farmer's wives gave small pots of this to visitors as parting gifts. It's also reputed that any man will fall in love with a woman from whom he accepts some basil as a gift. In present-day Romania, if a young lady offers a young man a sprig of basil and he accepts, they are officially engaged.
News headline Diabetic man on trial for murder will use high blood sugar as defense
In ancient Rome, the name for the herb, Basilescus, referred to Basilisk, the fire-breathing dragon. Taking the herb was thought to be a charm against the beast. With this in mind, it's interesting that up until recent times, basil has been used as an antidote to venom. The Greeks also had great respect for basil, their word for it meaning "royal" or "kingly." It was believed that only the king himself should harvest basil, and then only with the use of a golden sickle. Meanwhile, in India, basil was held to be sacred; it was believed that if a leaf of basil was buried with a person, it would guarantee their passage to heaven.
In marked contrast, however, other ideas prevailed among the ancient Greeks that basil represented hate and misfortune; many believed that scorpions would breed under pots of basil. They painted poverty as a ragged woman with a basil at her side and thought the plant would not grow unless railing and abuse were poured forth at the time of sowing. The Romans similarly believed that the more it was abused, the better it would prosper. These may represent ways to "fool the gods" so as not to bring bad luck by too much obsequy.
The physicians of old were quite unable to agree as to its medicinal value, some declaring that it was a poison, and others a precious simple. Culpeper tells us:
"Galen and Dioscorides hold it is not fitting to be taken inwardly and Chrysippus rails at it. Pliny and the Arabians defend it. Something is the matter, this herb and rue will not grow together, no, nor near one another, and we know rue is as great an enemy to poison as any that grows."
However, basil was said to create sympathy between human beings. A tradition still exists in Moldavia that a youth will love any maiden from whose hand he accepts a sprig of this plant. In Crete it symbolizes "love washed with tears," and in some parts of Italy, basil is a love token. Boccaccio's story of Isabella and the Pot of Basil, immortalized by Keats, keeps the plant in our memory. Tusser includes it among the Strewing herbs and Drayton places it first in his poem Polyolbion:
News headlineHundreds of Physicians Grade Supplements (press release)
"With Basil then I will begin Whose scent is wondrous pleasing."
John Parkinson wrote in his Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris, in 1629:
"The ordinary basill is in a manner wholly spent to make sweete or washing waters among other sweet herbs, yet sometimes it is put into nosegays. The Physicall properties are to procure a cheerfull and merry hearte whereunto the seeds is chiefly used in powder."
In Malaysia and Iran, basil is planted on graves, and in Egypt women scatter the flowers on the resting-places of those belonging to them. Some people believe if you put some basil in your wallet, you will attract money, success, and prosperity. (Nothing to lose, surely?)
Basil contains a strong-scented volatile oil composed primarily of terpenoids, particularly eugenol, thymol, and estragol. This volatile oil has shown antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activity in test tube studies, while the terpenoids in basil are important anti-cancer phytochemicals – naturally occurring substances that work in conjunction with vitamins and other nutrients to stimulate protective enzymes and block metabolic pathways associated with the development of cancer and heart disease. Terpenoids have been shown to suppress the growth of tumors and decrease the number of tumors produced.
Taken from The Kitchen medicine book
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