Monday, August 28, 2006

cigarette Replacement Therapy

Cigarette Replacement Therapy
QUITTING SMOKING WITH A GEL: New cigarette replacement therapy in the fight to quit smoking unveiled (Panama City) – Today,, a leading online pharmacy that specializes in the distribution of “quit smoking” aids, announced a distribution deal with Nicogel UK to promote and sell their revolutionary new Nicotine Replacement Therapy product, NICOGEL (Nicotine Gel).

Nicogel is a water soluble gel containing an aqueous extract of Nicotiana spp at 1.5mg/ml.

Dr. George Apple of explained the delivery mechanism for this useful quitting aid, “It is for external use only and we suggest 2 presses (3mls) per application or just one press if you are a light smoker. In essence Nicogel® is a cosmetic.”

Unlike other quit smoking aids such as Zyban (bupropion hydrochloride), approved by FDA, it has one thing that sets it apart. It is not a pill, a patch or an injection. It is a simple gel with a convenient delivery mechanism that fits in the palm of your hand.

Dr. Apple further elaborated on the usage of the quit smoking product: “It couldn’t be simpler: move the pack’s head to the unlocked position, and dispense two presses of the head into your palm. Next rub the gel onto your arm, leg or bottom. Wash your hands and you are done.”

The convenience of carrying it into your purse or pocket helps because there are fewer and fewer place to smoke these days. More often than not, smoking is not permitted in the work place, cinemas, bars, restaurants and in-flight. Nicogel® offers a great alternative to bridge those gaps without the slow release of patches that can fall off or the terrible taste of gums.

Nicogel® has many advantage over patches and gums, explained Dr. Apple. Unlike patches, Nicogel® does not offer slow release; “its delivery is quicker and more closely mimics the smoking experience”. recommends you apply Nicogel® on an as you need it basis. This gives you complete control over when you should apply it i.e. how much or how little, as well as reinforcing your abstinence as you begin to wean yourself off smoking and finally quit.

Most people experience the satisfaction they have from cigarettes within 60 seconds of applying Nicogel®, without the now, in many jurisdictions, unlawful smoke. For example, in New York City, smoking is forbidden in almost all workplaces, although not enforced in some small neighborhood bars. In the USA, it is becoming a nationwide trend to ban cigarettes in restaurants and bars, with states from California to Delaware adopting such a ban, causing much controversy between smokers, non-smokers, workers, and owners.

Tobacco smoking, of which cigarettes are the most popular method, is one of the major causes of preventable death. Specifically, cigarette smoking causes an increased risk of lung cancer. It is estimated that 80-90% of all lung cancers are attributable to cigarette smoking.

Nicotine, the stimulant and active ingredient in cigarettes, is also quite addictive. It is an effective appetite suppressant, and former smokers often develop junk food habits as they attempt to satisfy their tobacco cravings with snacks. One-third of those who stop smoking experience a weight gain. Nicogel helps you prevent all those side-effects of quitting smoking, according to’s Dr. Apple.

Quit Smoking Plan with Nicogel

If your are a heavy smoker (>15 cigarettes a day) it is suggested you apply 2 presses of Nicogel® as and when the urge to smoke strikes you. Over a period of 14 days work at increasing the period between applications by 15 minute intervals to 30 minutes. After between 15 to 30 days you should be able to move to the light smoker regime outlined below.

If you are a light smoker (<15 cigarettes a day) it is suggested applying 1 press of Nicogel® as and when the urge to smoke strikes you. Over a period of 14 days work at increasing the period between applications by 15 minute intervals to 60 minutes. After between 15 to 30 days you should be able to move only two applications per day for 14 days and then 1 application per day for a final 14 days. After this you should be free!


South Sea Pharmaceuticals, S.A. dba is an international pharmaceutical company that arranges the supply of high quality pharmaceutical products at very competitive prices by mail order.

The principals of South Sea Pharmaceuticals, S.A. began business in 1996 and provide a convenient affordable means of purchasing your prescription medicines. In 2003 with Panamanian Government approval it set up a Panamanian based company to facilitate the requirements of Central & South America, and have opened an office in the Colon Free Zone, Republic of Panama which allows for speedy delivery of products across the globe.

Nicogel is available in several presentations to suit your budget and lifestyle:

1, 3 and 6-packs available at

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